After four years of ear worming their way into our...hearts, the series finale of Star Trek Lower Decks is here. Join the SNP Crew, along with special guest Amy Imhoff, for their review and deep dive of episode 510, "The New ...
Play EpisodeCo-Host
Hawk lives in Ontario, Canada, and loves television, movies, music, and video games. He grew up on episodes of TNG and worshipped Patrick Stewart to the point of following him into male pattern baldness. Season and episode names? Yeah, he’s got that.
Die-hard TOS appreciator, inspired communication officer on a lifelong globe-trotting mission, occasional trivia and happy hour organizer, official lizard bébé, "snack" aficionado, and first Collective member to get married on board of the Enterprise. Would rather be on Romulas. Giraffe is the CAPTAIN NOW!
Co-Host & Stream Manager
Erik is a self admitted music, video game & film geek… sometimes actor/director/writer. He has been podcasting for over 10 years. His weaknesses include shiny things, audio equipment, and collector’s editions. Oh yeah, and "Faith of the Heart."
Creator & Co-Host
Julian is the creator and co-host of Strange New Pod. His first experience with Star Trek was TNG and The Undiscovered Country. On his off days, he likes long walks on the beaches of Risa. Strives for the rest of his team to read the outline.
Emcee Frodis is a writer, artist, and pop culture scholar from Ontario, Canada. She is Bicelestial, loving both Trek and Wars. She cannot watch anything without writing her own backstory, leading to her Daily Headcanon Minute videos. She also may or may not be Giraffe.