"Bride of Chaotica" Table Read
Join the Strange New Pod crew for their second-ever table read. This is one the team has been wanting to do for a while, and that's Star Trek Voyager's "Bride of Chaotica!"
Patron Collective member and one of our awesome discord mods, Spotted Giraffe guests as Captain Janeway/Queen Arachnia as well as Lonzak.
Narrator/The Doctor - Hawk
Janeway/Arachnia/Lonzak - Spotted Giraffe
Chaotica/Tuvok - Brittany
Harry Kim/Seven/Alien - Julian
Tom Paris/B'lanna - Erin
Chakotay/Neelix/Robot - Erik
Star Trek Voyager Main Theme composed by Jerry Goldsmith
Performed by Eric Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
Theme owned by ViacomCBS

Spotted Giraffe
Wild Tribble Chase founding member, die-hard TOS appreciator, inspired communication officer on a lifelong globe-trotting mission, occasional Rogue Drunk Space 9 organizer, official lizard bébé, "snack" aficionado, and first Collective member to get married on board of the Enterprise with ASNP crew as a bridesmaid, Giraffe is the CAPTAIN NOW!