JessKo is a cosplayer and author with an interest in the lore and alien worlds of Star Trek. She likes to explore the world of Star Trek through cosplay and storytelling, especially the Ferengi and Andorians.
Join the SNP Crew for their review of Lower Decks episode 406, "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place," with our friend and resident Ferengi collective member Jessko! What happens when the Cerritos and Toronto visit Ferenginar to begin...
It's the final episode of SNP's best of Ferengi series! Returning to help Hawk and Julian is collective member, Jessko, who's armed to the lobes with ALL the DS9 knowledge. "The Nagus," "The House of Quark," and "Bar Associa...
SNP's best of species series continues this week as Hawk and Julian welcome collective member Jessko aboard to help them deep dive the Ferengi's origins on Star Trek: The Next Generation. From their troublesome debut in "The...