Michael Schaus

Michael Schaus Profile Photo

Co-Host and Contributor, Geeks With Kids

Michael Schaus is a co-host and contributor to the Geeks With Kids Podcast, and an avid Trek fan.

May 27, 2022

SNW "Memento Mori" Review w/ Michael Schaus

Strange New Pod celebrates its two-year anniversary with a review of what is possibly Strange New Worlds' best episode to date, "Memento Mori." SNP also welcomes back a friend of the show and Geeks with Kids contributor Mich...
Aug. 6, 2021

The Cardassian Reunion | The Best of the Cardassians on DS9

On this edition of A Strange New Pod, the team wraps up the "Best Of" Cardassians series as they head over to Deep Space Nine. From "Duet" to "The Maquis," Brittany, Hawk, and Erin break down one of the more powerful Star Tre...
Oct. 9, 2020

Lower Decks "No Small Parts" Review

It's the season finale of Lower Decks and we've brought back all of our guests from our Bonus Pods to help us break down "No Small Parts." Our guests this week are Marcie London from the newly launched Disco Tech Podcast, Sim...
Sept. 4, 2020

Lower Decks "Cupid's Errant Arrow" Review

Two star-crossed lovers...literally! On this week's episode of Lower Decks, we meet Boimler's girlfriend. Is she a founder? An android? Maybe a parasite? Meanwhile, aboard the U.S.S Vancouver, Tendi and Rutherford are in awe ...