"Admiral; if we were to assume that these whales were ours to do with as we pleased, we'd be as guilty as those who caused their extinction." -Spock The crew from ASNP take an in-depth look at the fourth, and funniest, film i...
"Your father was captain of a Starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother’s and yours. I dare you to do better." -Captain Christopher Pike We've been featuring Star Trek ' 09 all week long on our socia...
"I'll show you my true nature. Our nature. And as Earth dies - remember I will always forever be Shinzon of Remus. And my voice shall echo through time long after yours has faded to a dim memory." - Shinzon It's ASNP's final ...
“Our technological abilities are not apparent because we have chosen not to employ them in our daily lives. We believe that when you create a machine to do the work of a man, you take something away from the man.” -Sojef In t...
Join A Strange New Pod for the first of three TNG-era deep-dive podcasts, as the crew takes a look back at 1996's Star Trek: First Contact. We're joined this week by one of our Patreon Collective members, Rob, who was selecte...
"They say time is the fire in which we burn..." Dr. Soran, Star Trek: Generations. That's right. the ASNP crew take a trip back to 1994 as they take a deep dive into the first Next Generation film, Star Trek: Generations. How...
Why is Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country held in such high regard among fans? We answer that question in our deep dive into Kirk and crew's send-off film. We also left our hailing frequencies open and received a nice mai...
From Captain to Commander, ASNP switches focus this week over to the man, the myth, the legend...Mr. Spock. In perhaps A Strange New Pod's most polarizing episode yet, Brittany, Erik, Hawk, and Julian cover every iteration of...
This week, we open up Captain Christopher Pike's personnel file from the Starfleet Archives! Julian, Erik, Brittany, and Hawk go over the character's three different portrayals in television and film, from Jeffrey Hunter's or...